Angela Teal ile Tanışın: Birinci Sınıf Bir Radyo Teleskobu Nasıl İnşa Edilir?
[Upbeat music plays and the words ‘One of Earth’s biggest science facilities is one step closer to unveiling an unparalleled view of the Universe’ appears on screen over drone footage scanning over the red earth and green scrub of Wajarri Country in Western Australia]
[The text on screen fades and the drone footage now shows construction vehicles with a small cleared parcel of land with six silver-grey circles of metal mesh surrounded by undisturbed land]
Profesör Philip Diamond: Burada, Batı Avustralya’daki SKA Düşük Frekans Gözlemevi teleskobu için ilk antenlerin yapımını görüyoruz.
[Footage under Professor Philip Diamond’s narration switches between a view of three workers in high vis and safety boots wheeling a 2m tall silver-grey metal tree-shaped antenna out onto silver grey mesh, a drone view from above of the same workers installing the antenna from close up and then from further in the air]
[A wide drone view showing a circle of people in yellow high vis clothing surrounding the first antenna of the SKA-Low telescope while it is installed on a larger circle of silver-grey mesh]
Profesör Philip Diamond: Burada, Avustralya’da SKA-Low ve Güney Afrika’da SKA-Mid, evren anlayışımızda devrim yaratacak
[Animation on screen introduces Professor Philip Diamond, SKA Observatory (SKAO) Director-General as the speaker over vision of Philip speaking to camera wearing yellow high-vis shirt and grey broad-brim hat both labelled with the SKAO logo]
Profesör Philip Diamond: Ve bizim buradaki yerimiz.
[Drone footage from high above showing a small cleared parcel of land with six silver-grey circles of metal mesh surrounded by undisturbed land]
[Professor Philip Diamond speaking to camera]
Profesör Philip Diamond: Gökbilimciler onlarca yıldır bu yerin hayalini kuruyorlardı ve şimdi burada olmamız harika.
[Footage from the ground showing some silver-grey mesh on red Earth with focus on the wide blue sky and small white fluffy clouds moving rapidly overhead]
[White text on black appears ‘The installation of the SKA-Low antennas follows more than 12 months of infrastructure preparation work at Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory on Wajarri Country’]
[Drone footage of construction vehicles moving earth and travelling across the red dirt of Wajarri Country with large regions of green scrub surrounding construction activity]
[Three sets of hands are shown close up working with electric screwdrivers to piece together a silver metal SKA-Low antenna]
[Images cycle through close up antenna components, including a plate engraved with the SKAO logo and the antenna number 0000412]
[Image transitions to low-flying drone footage over many large reels of optical fibre, higher view of the same construction equipment storage area and more close up shots of hands constructing the tree-shaped SKA-Low antennas]
[Angela Teale, SKA-Low Head of Engineering Operations speaking to camera wearing yellow high-vis clothing with the SKAO and CSIRO logos and broad-brim hat transitioning to a shot of Angela and a large group of people all in high vis shirts smiling together as Angela laughs in the centre]
Angela Thiel: Bu noktaya gelmek için çok çalışmamız gerekiyor.
[White text on black appears ‘The installation of the antennas also kick-starts the all-important work for the SKA-Low field technicians’]
[Angela Teale speaking to camera with animation on screen introducing her as SKA-Low Head of Engineering Operations, CSIRO and SKAO]
Angela Teal: Saha teknisyenlerinin sahada olması çok heyecan verici;
[Vision of the field technicians wearing yellow high vis shirts with the SKAO and CSIRO logos putting together antennas and a close up of boots walking across steel mesh]
Angela Teal: Antenleri bir araya getirme işi,
[Angela Teale speaking to camera transitioning to vision of the white domed antenna installation tent under a bright blue sky with fast-moving fluffy white clouds]
Angela Teal: Ve teleskobun bir parçası olmak için onu monte etmeye hazırlanıyoruz.
[Angela Teale speaking to camera]
Angela Thiel: Wajari’nin takımın %70’inden fazlasını oluşturmasından çok mutluyum.
[Vision of the sun in a bright blue sky transitions back to Angela Teale speaking to camera]
Angela Teal: Saha teknolojisi atalarından biri bana Wajari teknisyenleri Dünya’ya döndüklerinde Dünyanın gelişmeye başlayacağını söyledi ve bunun en güzel şeylerden biri olduğunu düşündüm.
[Drone footage from high above showing a small cleared parcel of land with six silver-grey circles of metal mesh surrounded by undisturbed land panning up to the horizon]
[Lockie Ronan speaking to camera with animation introducing him as Lockie Ronan, SKA-Low Field Technician, CSIRO and SKAO]
Locke Ronan: Atalarım buralı ve mirasımla burada olmak her zamankinden daha yakın.
[Footage of Lockie Ronan and other field technicians wearing yellow high vis shirts with the SKAO and CSIRO logos and their names leaning against a wall taking a break]
[Footage of Lockie Ronan installing an SKA-Low tree-shaped antenna]
Luke Ronan: Evet, onu seviyorum, çok heyecan verici
[Lockie Ronan speaking to camera]
Lockie Ronan: Ve bunun gelecekte nereye varacağını görmekle çok ilgileniyorum.
[Angela Teale speaking to camera]
ANGELA TILL: Olan bitene sadece kısa bir bakış
[A few seconds of vision of the field technicians close up constructing antennas transitions back to Angela Teale speaking to camera]
Angela Thiel: Bir yıl sonra bu teleskopta uzman olduklarını göreceğiz.
[Sped up timelapse footage of workers in yellow high vis shirts and sturdy safety boots walking the steel mesh preparing for antenna installation]
[Emily Goddard speaking to camera wearing a yellow high vis shirt with the SKAO and CSIRO logos as well as a broad brim hat]
Emily Goddard: Çok şey öğrendim.
[Close up vision of hands working with electric screwdrivers to piece together a silver metal SKA-Low antenna]
Emily Goddard: Herkes bilgilerini geride bırakmaktan mutluluk duyar,
[Emily Goddard speaking to camera with animation introducing her as Emily Goddard, SKA-Low Field Technician, CSIRO and SKAO]
Emily Goddard: Herkes size kendi uzmanlık alanını anlatmak istiyor, bu yüzden saha teknisyeni olabilirim ama antenin her yönünü, nereden gelip gittiğini öğrendim.
[Footage panning across undisturbed red earth and green low scrub-like bushes]
Emily Goddard: Ülkenin güzel bir yerindeyiz.
[Emily Goddard speaking to camera]
Emily Goddard: Artık buna benzer yerlere pek rastlayamıyorsunuz, bu yüzden hala Avustralya’nın özünü taşıyan uzak bir yerde çalışabilmek inanılmaz.
[Vision pans across a large group of people in yellow high vis shirts with the SKAO and CSIRO logos smiling broadly with wide brim hats, behind a single tree-shaped SKA-Low antenna]
Emily Goddard: Çok şanslıyım.
[Animation of a bright white starburst with pink and navy gradient surrounds turns into the SKAO logo and the text ‘We recognise and acknowledge the Indigenous peoples and cultures that have traditionally lived on the lands on which our facilities are located. In Australia, we acknowledge the Wajarri Yamaji as the Traditional Owners and native title holders of Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory, the site where the SKA-Low telescope is being built.’]